Press Releases

Governor Newsom Signs into Law Human Trafficking Bill by Senator Rubio

Governor Newsom today signed into law a bill by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) that grants survivors of human trafficking the right to an advocate and support person of their choosing to be present with them during interviews with law enforcement, prosecutors, or defense attorneys.

A Groundbreaking Achievement: Senator Susan Rubio Secures Over $12 Million for Transformative Community Advancements in San Gabriel Valley

Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) proudly declared today that she has successfully procured a remarkable $12.5 million from the state budget, a substantial investment that will be funneled directly into the upliftment of Senate District 22.

An Urgent Plea for Justice: Senators Susan Rubio and Shannon Grove Demand Reevaluation of SB 14 in California’s Battle Against Human Trafficking

It deeply disappoints me that the Assembly Public Safety Committee members were not able to see past party labels to recognize the faces of the children suffering at the hands of sex traffickers.

Piqui's Law by Senator Rubio Passes Key Senate Committee, Mandates Courts Put Child Safety First in Custody Disputes

The State Senate Judiciary today passed Senate Bill 331, Piqui's Law, by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park), which will require several needed reforms to family courts and the judicial svstem to ensure a child's safety in custody proceedings.

Senator Rubio Joins President Biden and Local Leaders in Monterey Park Announcing Efforts to Reduce Gun Violence

Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) joined President Biden and local leaders of Monterey Park as he announced federal executive actions to reduce gun violence across our nation.

Senator Rubio Recognizes Community Hero Brandon Tsay and Adjourns on Behalf of Monterey Park Victims on Senate Floor

Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) has adjourned in remembrance of the eleven victims of the shooting in Monterey Park today.

Senator Rubio Introduces Bill to Close Indoor Smoking Loophole and Make Every California Hotel Room Smoke-Free

Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) has introduced Senate Bill 626, which will protect guests and employees of hotels and motels from the dangers of secondhand smoke exposure by closing the loophole in California’s indoor smoking ban that currently allows smoking in up to twenty percent of hotel rooms and motel rooms.

Senator Rubio Introduces Child Sex Crime Victim Protection Act, Giving Minors Opportunity to Heal from Trauma and Abuse

Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) has introduced Senate Bill 545, which will provide child sex trafficking victims who attack their abusers with the opportunity to heal from their trauma with treatment and services in the juvenile or family court system instead of trying them as adults in the criminal court system and sending them to prison.