Senator Rubio Joins President Biden and Local Leaders in Monterey Park Announcing Efforts to Reduce Gun Violence
SACRAMENTO, CA – Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) joined President Biden and local leaders of Monterey Park as he announced federal executive actions to reduce gun violence across our nation.
“I want to thank President Biden for his lasting commitment to ensure safer communities for all and honoring our community and our losses by joining us in Monterey Park today. We cannot stand idly by while victims of gun violence continue to grow in numbers. It is the responsibility of every elected official to act with fierce urgency to pass sensible gun reform laws to prevent mass shootings like Monterey Park from happening again,” said Senator Rubio. “I applaud President Biden’s announcement today and I will continue to work with local and federal officials to ensure our children are safe when they play and our seniors are safe when they dance.”
Senator Rubio has worked on critical legislation to raise awareness about domestic and intimate partner violence and combat gun violence. She has worked diligently with her colleagues to pass legislation, including SB 320 by Senator Eggman to require perpetrators with domestic violence restraining orders to turn in their firearms and require courts to notify law enforcement when abusers violate that order. In addition, Senator Rubio co-authored AB 1621 by Assemblymember Gipson, which banned the sale, possession and use of unregulated ghost guns and any gun that does not include a serial number. Senator Rubio is a Member of the California Legislative Gun Violence Working Group, focused on developing and passing gun violence prevention laws to protect our communities and can serve as a model for other states.
Senator Susan Rubio represents Senate District 22.
For more information, visit the website of Senator Susan Rubio at https://sd22.senate.ca.gov/