Senator Rubio Successfully Champions $50 Million to Help Small Theaters Survive Pandemic Devastation
SACRAMENTO – Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) announced today that the 2021-22 state budget includes $50 million in immediate funding that she requested to help struggling small theaters as they emerge from the devastation of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Small nonprofit performing arts companies have historically been undervalued and underfunded despite their contributions to the economic growth, social well-being and cultural vitality of the local communities they serve,” Senator Rubio said. “As a public school teacher and young performer in local theater in East Los Angeles, I know how critical exposure to art is for our young people. These organizations are culturally rooted and are considered the onramp and incubator for new works and opportunities for emerging performers and people entering the creative performing arts industries. This funding will help preserve job opportunities for performers and people in the performing arts sector, particularly workers and artists in marginalized communities.”
“Senator Susan Rubio has emerged as one of our leading champions for the survival and sustainability of small nonprofit performing arts organizations and arts workers,” said Julie Baker, Executive Director of California Arts Advocates. “Her passion, creativity and tireless commitment to supporting our sector deserves recognition and applause. We are grateful to her and her outstanding staff for their persistence and look forward to continued partnership to secure resources and funding for this vital workforce and creative industry to California.”
“As a community nonprofit theater based in the predominantly Latino working class neighborhood of Boyle Heights, we would like to thank Senator Rubio,” said Emmanuel Deleage, Executive Director of Casa 0101 Theater. “This is an important first step that will help companies like Casa 0101 as we begin our re-opening efforts coming out of the pandemic. Community theaters do more than present plays. We provide access to the arts to underserved communities and partner with other non-profits to use the arts in educational settings. We also want to take this moment to highlight Senate Bill 805 by Senator Rubio, which is an innovative long term solution that will provide sustainability to this important sector of our creative economy.”
Media Contact: Edward Barrera, edward.barrera@sen.ca.gov