Virtual policy briefing: New homelessness prevention research for domestic violence survivors
Sacramento, CA – On May 7 at 3 p.m., Senator Susan Rubio, Blue Shield of California Foundation and the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence (the Partnership) will convene a virtual policy briefing on an innovative homelessness prevention model, Domestic Violence Housing First (DVHF). Domestic violence is a significant driver of homelessness in California. In 2018, 10 percent of people experiencing homelessness during the one-night Point In Time count reported being victims of domestic violence.
Experts will discuss the impact of COVID-19 on survivors of domestic violence—and share how the DVHF Model is helping them obtain and maintain safe, stable housing through the use of flexible financial assistance, survivor-driven advocacy, and community engagement. Participants will also hear highlights of California’s evaluation results from the DVHF model, which suggests that this promising intervention may prevent homelessness and future domestic abuse, as well as interrupt a negative trajectory for survivors and their children.
Current Legislative Context:
Senator Rubio is currently leading a budget request for $30 million to support domestic violence housing programs and the wrap-around services that go along with them. These programs are the foundation of California’s response to homelessness caused by domestic violence —and include emergency shelter, transitional housing, and the Domestic Violence Housing First program.
Date, Time and Access Information
• May 7, 2020 – 3-4:30 p.m.
• RSVP to receive Zoom information: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2405085335045167632
Highlights and Interviews:
• Inspiring stories of survivor resilience
• New, California-specific research on homelessness prevention for survivors of domestic violence
• A discussion of COVID-19 funding recommendations to enhance survivor safety
• Interview opportunities with advocates and legislators
• Senator Susan Rubio
• Nilda Valmores, Executive Director – My Sister’s House (Sacramento)
• Jessica Bartholow, Policy Advocate - Western Center on Law & Poverty
• Barbara Kappos, LCSW, Executive Director - East Los Angeles Women’s Center
• Elizabeth Eastlund, LCSW, Executive Director – Rainbow Services (San Pedro)
• Krista Niemczyk, Public Policy Manager – California Partnership to End Domestic Violence