Los Angeles Times: California Gov. Gavin Newsom and legislators are at odds over spending to address homelessness
"Also included is $5.6 million to augment homelessness services in the San Gabriel Valley, which saw its homeless population increase by nearly 25% this year to 4,479.
The money was added to the budget at the request of state Sen. Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park), who said the dollars would help bolster the area’s homelessness plans, provide workforce development training for residents and educate landlords to better assist residents at risk of homelessness. Rubio said addressing homelessness was a top priority among her constituents when she was campaigning for office last year.
“One of the biggest issues that I heard was people begging for someone to do something about the homeless population,” Rubio said. “They were heartbroken to see so many people on the streets.”'