Senator Susan Rubio Secures Environmental Victory for the San Gabriel Valley and California
SACRAMENTO, CA – Senator Susan Rubio (D – Baldwin Park) helped secure a landmark investment today targeting early wildfire prevention, including $12 million for the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy.
Earlier in 2021, Governor Gavin Newsom set an ambitious goal to take early action in the current budget year, instead of waiting for the approval of next year’s budget later in the summer, which would result in resources being deployed after the start of wildfire season. Senate Bill 85, which was approved today, mostly resembles the priorities first proposed by the Senate, totaling $536 million.
Senator Rubio served as the Co-Chair of the group of State Senators who negotiated on behalf of the Senate, along with the Governor’s office and the State Assembly.
“Today we have secured an environmental victory for the San Gabriel Valley and all Californians,” Sen. Rubio said. “As Co-Chair of the Senate Leadership team on Wildfires and Climate Change Resiliency, I am proud of the work we did to get ahead of wildfire season. This unprecedented, early deployment of resources will protect our most vulnerable residents, minimize loss of life and property, while investing in forest health, watershed protection and other vital environmental restoration projects. In helping all vulnerable parts of the state, I am particularly proud of securing $12 million for the San Gabriel and Lower Los Angeles Rivers and Mountains Conservancy to immediately jumpstart critical safety projects that had been stalled for lack of funding. As Chair of the Senate Insurance Committee, I also know this plan will help homeowners struggling to secure affordable home insurance coverage.”
SB 85 contains funding for homeowners to perform hardening upgrades to their homes to make them more resilient against wildfires, grants for small landowners, shovel-ready projects by conservancies, urban greening and urban forestry, as well as training and deployment of more fire suppression crews to better respond to fires when they first break out.
Media contact: Edward Barrera, edward.barrera@sen.ca.gov