Senator Susan Rubio Recognizes Options for Learning as Senate District 22 Nonprofit of the Year
SACRAMENTO, CA – Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) today recognized Options for Learning as Senate District 22 Nonprofit of the Year at an event at the California State Capitol.
The Assembly Select Committee on the Nonprofit Sector, the Senate Select Committee on the Nonprofit Sector, and CalNonprofits sponsored the event.
“As elementary school teacher for 17 years, I know how important the early years are for a child’s future success,” said Senator Rubio. “I am proud to recognize Options for Learning, a nonprofit childcare and early learning agency, for the wonderful work they do to break the cycle of poverty by providing families the tools to create a positive foundation for life success. Each year, Options for Learning serves more than 15,000 children in our communities through innovative, quality child-development programs. Congratulations on being the Senate District 22 Nonprofit of the Year for 2022.”
“We appreciate that Sen. Rubio is aware of our work and has honored our organization,” said Paul Pulver, CEO of Options for Learning, who attended the event with the agency’s board chair, David Wilbur. “This recognition is a testament to the care and passion of our staff who are committed every day to unlocking the promise of each child.”
“Nonprofit organizations play such a critical role in our communities, and the last two years of the pandemic have only served to highlight that,” said Jan Masaoka, CEO of CalNonprofits.“California Nonprofit of the Year gives elected officials the opportunity to shine a light on the important work nonprofits are doing in their districts and for everyone to appreciate the collective impact of nonprofits in our communities.”
This year’s honorees represent every legislative district in the state and address a diverse range of issues — from food insecurity and climate change to at-risk youth, arts education, domestic violence, mental health, and more.
Options for Learning (https://www.optionsforlearning.org/) has been serving children and families since 1981. As a nonprofit childcare and early learning agency, Options for Learning has been at the forefront of helping families either break the cycle of poverty, or improve their lives, by providing children and families with the tools to create a positive foundation for school, social and life success. Options for Learning provides infant care, preschool, and before- and after-school enrichment programs for school-aged children at more than 90 locations throughout the San Gabriel Valley, Whittier, Pomona Valley and Northeast Los Angeles areas. The agency also offers training, resources and support to community childcare providers to improve the quality of care for the children they serve.
Senator Susan Rubio represents Senate District 22. For more information, visit https://sd22.senate.ca.gov/
Media Contact: Edward Barrera, edward.barrera@sen.ca.gov