Senator Susan Rubio Re-appointed to Key Senate Committees
SACRAMENTO- Senator Susan Rubio (D- Baldwin Park) has been re-named as a member to the Senate Committees on Energy, Utilities and Communications, Governmental Organization, and Health, which she has had the privilege of serving on since the beginning of her tenure. Additionally, she was appointed to the Joint Committee on the Arts.
“As the Chair of the San Gabriel Valley Legislative Caucus, I’m honored to be tapped by Senate President pro Tempore Mike McGuire to continue my work on these important committees, where I can advance the issues vital to my constituents and the State of California”, said Senator Rubio.
“I am grateful to continue serving on these committees, and look forward to working with leadership and my colleagues to create a better future for all Californians”, continued Rubio.
“As Chair of the San Gabriel Valley Legislative Caucus, I am proud of the work we’ve accomplished to bring affordable housing, transportation, create more parks and open space, and protect seniors, veterans, youth and the most vulnerable.”
For more information, visit the website of Senator Susan Rubio at https://sd22.senate.ca.gov