Senator Rubio’s Statement on Budget Act of 2021
SACRAMENTO - Sen. Susan Rubio today released the following statement in response to the passage of Budget Act of 2021:
“Today I proudly voted for a state budget that maximizes unprecedented surpluses, while keeping our sight on true fiscal responsibility. After maintaining healthy reserves, we made a historic increase to education of $93.7 billion, $12 billion to tackle the housing and homelessness crisis, as well as relief for small businesses. These are all critical investments that are needed throughout California, and especially in the San Gabriel Valley.
As a public school teacher who endured devastating cuts to education during the Great Recession, I’m especially proud that we have not only restored, but now managed to double the funding we spend on each student. This is a thoughtful well-crafted budget. It reflects our values, and I am pleased that we are going big and bold in investing in the areas the state needs it most.”
Budget Highlights:
- Prop 98: Highest level of Prop 89 in history, providing over $21,000 per-student spending.
- Child Care Slots: 200,000 additional care slots.
- Universal Transition Kinder for all four year olds.
- School Meals: Establishes universal school meals program for free breakfast and lunch.
- $2 billion for UC/CSU student housing and expansion.
- $8.1 billion Golden State Stimulus.
- Homeless Funding: Provides $12 billion to address homelessness.
- $1.5 billion for Small Business/ Non-profits grants.
Media Contact: Edward Barrera, edward.barrera@sen.ca.gov