Press Release

Senator Rubio’s Cancer Medication Recycling Program Clears Senate Judiciary Committee with Unanimous Bipartisan Support

SACRAMENTO, CA – Sen. Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) passes SB 310 out of Senate Judiciary Committee with unanimous bipartisan support (14-0). This critical bill will ensure our most vulnerable cancer patients have access to life saving cancer medication by creating a cancer medication donation program.

 “Access to healthcare is one of my top priorities,” Sen. Rubio said. “This program will help cancer patients receive critically needed medications. It would reduce costs, ensure timely access, and prevent unused medications from going to waste, all while protecting our medically fragile patients.”

“Cancer patients spend thousands of dollars on life-saving medications every year. The cost is often prohibitive, and at times, patients have medications they will not use for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, a lack of tolerance due to the side effects,” said Autumn Ogden-Smith, Director of State Legislation for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network California.

“We are proud to sponsor Senator Rubio’s legislation, which is aimed at allowing oncologists the ability to redistribute valuable cancer medications – giving patients and their doctors the best opportunity to properly treat cancer as quickly as possible and reduce the waste of high quality medications, and we applaud the Senator for her commitment to oncologists and our patients throughout the state,” according to the Association of Northern California Oncologists.

In 2018, the National Council on State Legislatures indicated there are 21 states that have active drug donation and reuse programs, serving thousands of patients, and saving tens of millions of dollars over the years.
