Senator Rubio Recognizes Community Hero Brandon Tsay and Adjourns on Behalf of Monterey Park Victims on Senate Floor
SACRAMENTO, CA – Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) has adjourned in remembrance of the eleven victims of the shooting in Monterey Park today. On this occasion, Senator Rubio also honored community hero Brandon Tsay for is heroic actions in a related event.
“Our hearts will always ache for those we lost in Monterey Park. Though our community has been deeply affected, we remain resilient in the aftermath of this tragedy,” said Senator Susan Rubio. “I am deeply grateful to Brandon Tsay who risked his life and tackled the gunman to prevent even more devastation. He is a hero to our state, to the nation, and to us all.”
“The situation still feels so surreal to me. Most of the victims I knew personally. They’d always come by the dance studio and I considered them friends. They were some of the most caring people I have ever met. And, for them to be taken from us is such an excruciating experience,” said Brandon Tsay. I thank Senator Rubio for this honor and for continuing to raise the issue of gun violence. My heart goes out to everybody involved, especially the people in Star Dance Studio and Monterey Park. I hope they can find the courage and the strength to persevere.”
Senator Susan Rubio represents Senate District 22.
For more information, visit https://sd22.senate.ca.gov/