Press Release

Senator Rubio Bills Focusing on Domestic Violence, Education, Health and Housing Head to Assembly

SACRAMENTO, CA – Senate-approved bills authored by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park), focusing on issues that include domestic violence, education, consumer protections, homeless and housing as well as helping local agencies and municipalities now head to the Assembly.  

“I want to thank my fellow Senators for the support I’ve received for my top priorities as well as the collaborative discussions that helped pass the legislation.  I look forward to meeting with members of the Assembly as we focus on getting these important bills signed into law,” Sen. Rubio said.

Some of the bills include:

SB 273   The Phoenix Act. This bill would provide additional time for domestic violence survivors to come forward about their abuse by extending the statute of limitations for reporting the abuse to now 10 years. In addition, this bill will include specified techniques when handling incidents of domestic violence under the Peace Officers Standards and Training guidelines.

SB 316   Domestic Violence Hotline: High School. This bill allows public and higher education institutions to print the telephone number for the National Domestic Violence Hotline on either side of student ID cards.

SB 413   San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority.  This bill would save taxpayer dollars and increase the efficiency of the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority by changing its election schedule and streamlining reporting requirements.

SB 570   Low Cost Auto Insurance. Extends the sunset date for the low cost auto insurance program under the Dept. of Insurance to January 1, 2025. Makes several incremental augmentations to the California Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program that eliminate gender bias, expand access to students, ease income eligibility reporting requirements, simplify the consumer notice, and eliminate outdated code sections.

SB 751   San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust. This bill would authorize the creation of the San Gabriel Valley Regional Housing Trust, a joint powers authority, and would allow the cities within the jurisdiction of the San Gabriel Valley Council of Governments to fund housing to assist the homeless and persons of extremely low, very low, and low income.

To view all of Sen. Rubio’s bills, please click here:

