Press Release

Governor Signs Survey Bill by Senator Rubio to Find Root Causes of Teacher Shortage

SACRAMENTO, CA – Gov. Gavin Newsom today signed an education bill by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) that will collect feedback from departing teachers to develop a plan to recruit and retain teacher candidates and veteran teachers.

Senate Bill 1487 – The TEACH Survey (“Teachers Exiting and Addressing the CHallenges Survey”) – would allow the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing and the California Department of Education to use the California School Climate, Health, and Learning Survey to ask questions about why educators are leaving their teaching position or the profession. The survey’s data would be used for future statewide investments on teacher recruitment and retention efforts. Additionally, an annual report would be submitted to the California Department of Education and the Legislature.

“California has been experiencing a teacher shortage long before the pandemic, with significantly low numbers of educators entering the profession and high numbers of educators leaving,” said Senator Rubio. “Having data that will explore how we can support our educators who are teaching our children, the future of California, is urgently needed. I want to thank Gov. Newsom for supporting this legislation and look forward to working with my colleagues after we collect the data to find a path to change this destructive pattern.”

In 2020, the California State Teacher’s Retirement System CalSTRS reported that teacher retirements increased by 26 percent (3,202). CalSTRS projected that in 2021, about 16,000 teachers would retire, leaving less educators for our children. The 16,000 retirements would account for 5 percent of the 320,000 teachers in the State. Research shows that many teachers simply quit the profession due to stress and burnout. It is important that the Legislature comprehends the many reasons why educators are turning away from the profession in order to retain the passionate and hardworking teachers.

This bill has the support from California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, California Department of Education, California School Boards Association, State Superintendent of Public Institution Tony Thurmond, and Teach Plus.

Senator Susan Rubio represents Senate District 22. For more information, visit


Media Contact: Edward Barrera,