Governor Newsom Signs into Law Human Trafficking Bill by Senator Rubio
SACRAMENTO, CA – Governor Newsom today signed into law a bill by Senator Susan Rubio (D-Baldwin Park) that grants survivors of human trafficking the right to an advocate and support person of their choosing to be present with them during interviews with law enforcement, prosecutors, or defense attorneys.
Senate Bill 376 will allow survivors of human trafficking to receive trauma-informed, survivor-centered, and culturally responsive support, which may increase the likelihood that they will access vital services, protections, and legal remedies.
“Survivors of human trafficking are extremely vulnerable and may often times need assistance on how to navigate through their traumatic experiences,” said Senator Susan Rubio. “California has among the highest rates of human trafficking in the United States. This heinous act affects thousands of individuals and it does not discriminate—anyone can fall victim. We must have these protections in place to help families, communities, and others by combatting human trafficking.”
The International Labor Organization (ILO) estimated there being 40.3 million victims of human trafficking globally in 2016, and 81 percent of victims were trapped in forced labor, 25 percent of them were children, and 75 percent were women and girls. According to the National Human Trafficking Hotline (NHTH), human trafficking has increased by 842% in the United States in 2007, with California having the largest increase of reported cases. In 2017, California had the most calls to the NHTH (3,998) and the most reported cases of trafficking (1,305).
Survivors of human trafficking face barriers similar to survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault; after abuse and exploitation, they can often be fearful of government or law enforcement officials. The right to an advocate is currently only granted to survivors of sexual assault and domestic violence. This right does not yet exist for survivors of human trafficking and SB 376 closes that gap.
Senator Susan Rubio represents Senate District 22. For more information visit https://sd22.senate.ca.gov/