Press Release

Election Day, November 3: Learn How Vote By Mail is Safe and Effective

Voting by mail is a safe way to ensure that your voice will be heard on Election Day. This year all registered California voters will receive a ballot. 

What you need to know

1- Fill Out Your Ballot.

2 - Insert Ballot in Envelope, Add Required Information.  

3 - Sign Your Name.

4 - Mail or Drop off Ballot as early as possible, and definitely by or before November 3rd. 

Important Dates: 

            •          Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2020. -

            •          All registered voters will receive a vote-by-mail ballot. 

            •          Early voting begins October 5, 2020 to November 2.

            •          You can also register and vote on Election Day. 

To check your voting status - or (800) 815-2666.

For more information