Chino eyes Stark property for affordable housing
Chino is one step closer to acquiring the Heman G. Stark Youth Correctional Facility on Euclid Avenue south of Merrill Avenue after a bill authored by Senator Susan Rubio and Assemblyman Freddie Rodriguez authorizing the state to sell the property was signed by Governor Gavin Newsom last month.
The City Council plans to develop the 130-acre site with affordable housing, commercial uses and an agricultural farm.
The Stark facility, currently owned by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, closed in 2010.
“There are not very many large pieces of land left in our city that we can take control of,” City Manager Linda Reich said.
The council was told during a housing element study session on Oct. 8 that rezoning the land for residential use would require a vote of the people under Measure M adopted by Chino voters in 1988.
The measure calls for an election when commercial land is proposed for residential development or when a density increase is proposed on residentially zoned land.
Ms. Reich said the city will begin working with the state Department of General Services to negotiate the price for the property.
Chino eyes Stark property for affordable housing | News | championnewspapers.com