Do You Have a Plan for an Emergency and Evacuation? Be Prepared - Resources

September 24, 2020

September is National Preparedness Month. With the recent fires and earthquake are a reminder that we all need a plan. Below are some simple ways that you can be ready for an emergency and evacuation as well as resources for more information. Be prepared! 

1) Get alerts to know what to do.

2) Make a plan to protect your people by creating an emergency contact list and an evacuation plan.

3) Pack a go bag with things you need.

4) Build a stay box to stay safe at home for when you can't leave.

5) Help friends and neighbors get ready.

Get Important Emergency Information and Resources from These Websites: – Dial 211 for evacuation routes and shelters. – Sign up to get your county’s alerts. Get Earthquake Warning app. – State guides, alerts and resources. – Real-time wildfire and shelter news. - #Californiaforall.

Los Angeles County:

Ready! Set! Go!  Wildfire Action Plan -

For Air Quality in your area - or AQMD.GOV

For emergency assistance from the American Red Cross, call (855) 891-7325.

To Volunteer -

Arcadia USD said to make sure your school has your emergency contact updated when they mentioned the 1000 families without contact email - no specific contact resource from them.

Resources in Arcadia: